Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Snippets & Snatches...cloudy...70's

Kind of like a weather calendar or farm journal we find that we can browse back through this blog and find that "Blackberry winter" always falls around the same date every year, the baby goat naming contest shows up about the same time every year.....and apparently so does the rain.........after a particularly soggy couple of weeks here, I checked archives and sure enough look what I posted last May about this time:

"When it rains it pours", "A pour man gets his ice in the wintertime", A "dirt poor farmer" is someone who is 'land rich' but money poor, .......and I'm coining a new one
"rain poor farmer" gets a half a years worth of rain in two weeks~~ right when they need to be planting the garden, making hay, mowing the (knee high) grass, harvesting the strawberries.............................................

The Rain Poor Farmer So as we deal with the almost constant and 'Quantitive' amounts of rain
and workin'  amidst the rain and showers,
we find every chore takes twice the time--hours and hours!
The strawberries won't ripen,
More and More we find ourselves gripen'
Can't find a dry day
to cut the hay,
Plants need pottin,'
and the half the garden is rottin,'
While we're out in the muck sloggin'~~~
we might just have to take a break from bloggin' !!!!

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Copper earrings

Copper earrings