Toffee Bars
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup butter or margerine
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup shredded coconut
Mix brown sugar and flour together, cut in softened butter until crumbly. Measure out and set aside one cup of this mixture . To remaining crumbs add Baking powder, vanilla, milk and egg, beat well.
Pour into a greased 9 inch pan.
To reserved crumbs add chocolate chips and coconut, mix well then sprinkle evenly on top of batter, bake at 350* for 35-40 minutes or till a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, cool for 10-15 and enjoy with a cup of coffee or glass of milk. or cool completely and refrigerate for later!
Equally good warm or cold in our opinion!!!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Snippets and Snatches.....
snippets & snatches,
Thursday, January 29, 2015
A tale of six kitties.............
More Out Takes from the 2016 Cat
Calendar photo shoots :)
Today it's Lonesome our March calendar kitty and his favorite winter activity ......
Then change beds and sleep some more.
And it certainly helps if you have a
broadback, AND your owner provides a Wood Stove!
What is it about Maine
Coon cats and their owners? Such a loyal combination.
Some day soon in my
"Snippet" column I'll tell you how I got mine.
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I think I see a smile on his face, Don't you? |
A tale of six kitties,
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Farm Adventures.....Walters story
Walter The Woebegone
Someone didn't want the pup
They set him by the road
Maybe thought he'd find a hut
Maybe catch a toad
Ran into the woods
Looking for a place to hide
Wishing for some sup
Soon evening came
And lots of scary noises
With big eyes he looked around
There weren't many choices
Mrs. Armadillo had left behind
He backed himself real slow
And realized he wasn't going to dine
And with a mournful sigh
Lifted his head and howled
He seemed to be asking "why'?
And all the next day
Someone listened to that howling
Before they came his way
And took him home
With a solemn promise
"You'll never have to roam"
Epilogue - Walter became a "house"hold
member, where he remains to this day. He’s been with us 2 1/2 years now, the third addition to our ‘brindle brigade’ of rescued dogs.--All who found us when we weren’t looking for another dog and made themselves right to home.
Walter is one of the three beside the tree in last
Sunday's post HERE
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The journey to Jonquil Junction
Yesterday as I was sorting through my snippets, listening to the wind howl, and thinking spring couldn’t get here soon enough! I remembered another winter day a few years back when, while having similar thoughts, I wrote the following:
No matter where you roam here, through hollers or over ridges, you will find jonquils growing. Usually the cabin is gone or turned into a hay barn, the stone "chimbley" has tumbled down and the well's gone dry, but the jonquils still bloom.
How many years ago were they planted? No one knows. But they are enduring, just like the first people that settled these hills. They came and stayed when roads and electricity, telephones and yes, even the Internet didn't exist.
To raise a family in these surroundings a woman must have had character, strength and stamina. I'm sure every spring after the long dreary winter ended, the sight of the blooming Jonquils must have lifted her spirits and given her hope to carry on.
How many years ago were they planted? No one knows. But they are enduring, just like the first people that settled these hills. They came and stayed when roads and electricity, telephones and yes, even the Internet didn't exist.
To raise a family in these surroundings a woman must have had character, strength and stamina. I'm sure every spring after the long dreary winter ended, the sight of the blooming Jonquils must have lifted her spirits and given her hope to carry on.
From that “seed” of an idea, and a lot of time and effort, in between everyday life and chores, grew Jonquil Junction’s Blog, Facebook page and Etsy store.
First a bit about the name. We live in the rugged Ozark mountains, and like I said in the snippet above, scattered about all the old home places the jonquil’s still bloom each spring.
Every spring after the long dreary winter ends, the sight of these long ago planted blooms still brings a smile to our face and gives us hope to carry on just like those women who planted them so long ago.
I wanted a place where we could all meet :
Junc-tion n.) An act of joining; A place or point of meeting
A place to find ‘country wisdom’ , unique crafts, recipes, and memories of a simpler time.
When people told stories, still wrote in cursive, put puzzles together, made quilts, crocheted and braided rugs, raised chickens, goats, pigs and a garden.
Along the journey I’ve found I'm not the only one who loves these cheerful harbingers of spring!
I’ve heard stories from women in Florida and British Columbia that would love to grow them and have them come back reliably like we do, but due to their climates, they just enjoy them in pictures most years.
And from a lady who plans to replant as many times as needed, in spite of her neighbors goats removing them from the ground bulb and all! ((Those of us who own goats know there is no such thing as a ‘goat proof plant’! ))
From a teller of folk tales ,why he thinks there are so many scattered about in our neck of the woods. As the story goes ‘back in the day’ when the farmer went to town to get his field corn, potato starts and such the feed store owner would throw a few jonquil bulbs in for the ‘lady of the house’. What farm wife with a bare yard and no money to spend on flower seeds is going to turn that down!
So we are this far into our journey, wondering where it will take us next, and what wonderful story or memory will be shared with us next........... Won’t you come go with us and see where it leads?
Monday, January 26, 2015
Snippets & Snatches
Don't recipes fall into that category!! Especially
in my house. Why do I own so many Cook Books ( by the way some are going on Etsy
soon) if every time someone starts to say a recipe I run and grab a piece of
paper and copy it. I spent a long time yesterday searching for one and a current
theme was most of my Snippets were on bill envelopes. It's a wonder my bills get
paid on time. Anyway, someone asked - how do you make your
Elderberry Syrup? and I couldn't find that one. However I'm pretty sure this is
how I do it. By the way, every year is not a good Elderberry (or Peach or
Blackberry or Blueberry, well you get the point) year so it has been awhile
since I last was able to make some. I use Sure-Jell and inside pkg. I use the
cooked jelly recipe procedure. Elderberries won't be offered so I
use "Currant" directions instead. Prepare the fruit as instructed with 2
cups water instead of 1 1/2 . When measuring juice into pot (after
straining) add 1/2 cup lemon juice. Now reduce the sugar to 3 cups and proceed
with procedure. This will make a syrup instead of jelly. I also do this with
other fruits, when there is an abundance, to have syrup in the winter for
pancakes. We especially like wild plum and they don't produce enough very often.
Speaking of "good years" for certain things, one year I decided to tackle the
multitude of garlic that had spread throughout my garden. There was a new show
on T.V. midafternoon, so every day I dug a quantity and sat at the kitchen table
processing it. I came up with chopping it and putting in ice cube trays (which
of course were rendered useless for ice) and when frozen put cubes in plastic
bags. I worked on that project during the hottest part of summer, and was so
happy to know now I could add garlic to everything. Well guess what ----- we had
a major ice storm that winter, and no electricity for 21 days. Can you
imagine the aroma coming from my freezer as it thawed? And this coming
week is the anniversary of that storm back in 2009. I'll close for now, keep
smiling, it helps!
I remember,
snippets & snatches,
winter weather Ozarks
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Sunday Quotes............
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
"I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as
a tree"---------
My dogs agree and I agree! My family loves this
tree, a large, very old oak that stands in a hayfield by itself. The only shade
in the summer, and here on a sunny, winter day large enough to curl up by and
enjoy the reflected heat.
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These are three of our four rescued dogs. Gunner, Walter and Clarabelle.
Each one a different rescue, and each one unique.
Next week I'll tell you Walter's story.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Homemade wheat bread
One of the best parts of winter is homemade bread! This is our basic wheat bread recipe, the one we make every week. Sometimes with variation, sometimes just plain.
Homemade Wheat Bread
Homemade Wheat Bread
3 cups warm water
2 T. sugar
2 T. yeast (NOT rapid rise)
1 cup warm milk
3 T. Canola oil
1/4 cup sorghum ( can use molasses or honey if you prefer)
6 cups whole wheat flour (my favorite it Prairie Gold, any wheat flour made from white wheat will work)
2 tsp. salt
1 1/2--2 cups all-purpose white flour
Warm water to 110* ( to test without a thermometer ,you should be able to comfortably stand water touched to your little finger or wrist, but it should feel quite warm)
In very large bowl or stand mixer bowl, combine 1 cup of warm water with the sugar and yeast, let sit for five minutes or till yeast is foamy, Add remaining warm water and milk, oil, sorghum and three cups of wheat flour, beat with a large spoon, or dough hook, until all flour is incorporated, add remaining three cups of wheat flour and continue to beat till smooth and elastic, will still be quite soft and sticky, add white flour in half cup increments until you can easily knead the dough by hand with out it sticking to you but it is still very soft, form into a smooth ball and let raise covered about half and hour or till it has doubled in size.
Turn out onto a floured surface and knead with floured hands a few times, just to smooth out, divide into fourths and shape into a loaf shape, place in well greased loaf pans and cover, raise again about 15-20 minutes till loafs are nicely puffed up. Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes till lightly browned.
Remove from oven and immediately take out of pans and cool on a wire rack.
Wonderful warm and buttered right from the oven (one loaf never makes it to the ‘cool’ point!)
Delicious with soup as is or toasted or grilled for breakfast!
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Second Rise-ready for the oven |
To make cinnamon swirl bread. Make recipe exactly as above until you divide into fourths then:
Gently roll each fourth out till it is a rectangle slightly longer than the length of your loaf pan and about half as wide as it is long, sprinkle cinnamon sugar down center , spread out evenly and tightly roll up starting on a long side, then fold each short end under to seal ends and place in loaf pan with seam on the bottom , raise and cook as above.
I use 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 T. cinnamon per loaf.
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Cinnamon Swirl wheat bread |
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The adventures of Valerie and Grace.................
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Valerie and Grace April 2014 |
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Valerie and Grace January 2015 |
We will be offering them for sale soon, boo-hoo!
It's hard to let them get so big and know them so well and then part with them. But on the other hand, it's hard to sell tiny babies and worry about their needs, too.
If only we could keep them all !!!!!!!!!
We have more babies coming the end of March, and then again the end of April. We are hoping for girls, but then a fine buck from this stock would be nice too :)
I've told all family members we can not keep any more, of course, I'm the first to break the "Practice what you Preach" rule, as Mom always said.
adventures of Valerie & Grace,
Pigeon Project.................
Hollywood and Amarillo are having a bath on this
warm day. Just in time - later in the day she laid her first egg, probably the
second will come tomorrow and then the setting begins. With the moderated
temps,perhaps she'll be successful this time. We'll keep you
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Fresh eggs........................
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Journey with us...
You can now journey along with Jonquiljunction on Pinterest :
You can shop with us on Etsy here:
And of course FB: where there are daily posts , updates, contests and more!
Won't you Please 'come go with us' ????
You can shop with us on Etsy here:
And of course FB: where there are daily posts , updates, contests and more!
Won't you Please 'come go with us' ????
Monday, January 19, 2015
A tale of Six Kitties
Sophie has decided, all things considered, staying
in the house this winter is a wise choice.
She might be thinking, as my Mom always said, "I know where my bread is buttered." However to avoid harassment, by friends and relations, she chooses a place with a vantage point!
She might be thinking, as my Mom always said, "I know where my bread is buttered." However to avoid harassment, by friends and relations, she chooses a place with a vantage point!
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sunday quotes......
A wise old owl
sat in an oak
The more he heard
the less he spoke
The less he spoke
the more he heard
Why can't we all
be like that
wise old bird??
sat in an oak
The more he heard
the less he spoke
The less he spoke
the more he heard
Why can't we all
be like that
wise old bird??
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Simmering soups...........
Wondering what's for supper? Chances are you already have all the ingredients on hand to throw together this quick and satisfying soup!
Italian Soup
1 cup sliced kielbasa sausage
1 medium onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. olive oil
4 cups chicken broth
1 can diced Italian tomatoes, un-drained
1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup penne or spiral pasta
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp salt , or to taste
1 tsp garlic powder, or to taste
1 cup frozen spinach leaves
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup sliced kielbasa sausage
1 medium onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. olive oil
4 cups chicken broth
1 can diced Italian tomatoes, un-drained
1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup penne or spiral pasta
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp salt , or to taste
1 tsp garlic powder, or to taste
1 cup frozen spinach leaves
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
SautƩ sausage, onions and garlic in olive oil, about five minutes. Add next three ingredients and bring to a boil, add pasta and seasonings, simmer uncovered for ten minutes or till pasta is tender. Add spinach, stir well, turn off heat, cover and let sit for five minutes.
To serve, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, and serve with garlic bread or crackers.
To serve, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, and serve with garlic bread or crackers.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Farm adventures......
Went out to empty ashes
Look what I found
Someone in my front yard
Nosing all around
Bet it's hard to get a meal
In the frozen ground
So I won't say a word
I won't even frown
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Winter Soothers
The fragrance of homemade bread and simmering
Backing up to the woodstove that's cooking the
Eating homemade bread and homemade
Reading a "can't put down book" while sipping hot
Enjoying the outside view of a sunny day
Backing up to the woodstove!
Covering up with your "Biscuit Quilt" when
Backing up to the woodstove!
Fingering the Biscuit quilt while reminiscing on heartfelt
these are a few of my winter soothers.........................
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Snippets & Snatches...
"Home is where the Heart is", my mother always
I wonder sometimes what home held heartfelt memories for her.
Her mother died when she was 12, and her father left soon after.
So her new home was with relatives, not her parents.
I do remember her talking about the large brick home with the wrought iron fence that joined the sidewalk that she lived in when she was four. I wish I knew where that home was.
But wherever the location, part of what joins our heart to a particular home are fond & soothing memories of time spent with family and friends. I wonder if young folks today are building those memories when they seem to isolate themselves with technology.
Please everybody, unplug, cook, share meals, play a game, share views, share memories, share crafting, there's no better time than winter!
I wonder sometimes what home held heartfelt memories for her.
Her mother died when she was 12, and her father left soon after.
So her new home was with relatives, not her parents.
I do remember her talking about the large brick home with the wrought iron fence that joined the sidewalk that she lived in when she was four. I wish I knew where that home was.
But wherever the location, part of what joins our heart to a particular home are fond & soothing memories of time spent with family and friends. I wonder if young folks today are building those memories when they seem to isolate themselves with technology.
Please everybody, unplug, cook, share meals, play a game, share views, share memories, share crafting, there's no better time than winter!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
A tale of Six Kitties
Anyone who has tried to photograph animals (or children for that matter!) knows how hard it is! If you are trying to photograph more than one at a time, the dilemma only multiplies itself, and in my opinion, cats are especially hard.
So as we start photographing our way through 2015, beginning with the "A tale of six kitties" calendar , we thought you might enjoy some 'out-takes' of our photographing adventures!
Today we have Sophie my 'Chicken Chore Chum' and October calendar girl , probably the most elusive of our cats to capture on film, and quickest to 'turn tail' and leave if she suspects you are trying to take her picture (or catch her or pet her, for that matter)
Due to the deep freeze we have been in here lately she has agreed to spend more time in the house, and thinks it's much more agreeable laying around in the house, than tip-toeing around after me while I do my outside work, but that doesn't mean she has welcomed the camera , and sleeps with one eye open, in case I should head her way!
So as we start photographing our way through 2015, beginning with the "A tale of six kitties" calendar , we thought you might enjoy some 'out-takes' of our photographing adventures!
Today we have Sophie my 'Chicken Chore Chum' and October calendar girl , probably the most elusive of our cats to capture on film, and quickest to 'turn tail' and leave if she suspects you are trying to take her picture (or catch her or pet her, for that matter)
Due to the deep freeze we have been in here lately she has agreed to spend more time in the house, and thinks it's much more agreeable laying around in the house, than tip-toeing around after me while I do my outside work, but that doesn't mean she has welcomed the camera , and sleeps with one eye open, in case I should head her way!
A tale of six kitties,
farm adventures
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Simmering Soups....
Taco Soup
1 lb. hamburger
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup broccoli, chopped
1 can (15 oz) whole kernel corn, drained
1 can (15 oz) chili beans (can use pinto or black beans if preferred)
1 can Ro-tel,
1 package taco seasoning
4 cups water or broth
In large pan brown hamburger and onions together, drain off any drippings and discard. Add garlic , carrots and broccoli, sautƩ 2 minutes or till garlic is fragrant. Pour into crock-pot.
return pan to the stove and add broth or water and heat to a simmer, scraping pan as it heats.
While water heats, add broccoli, corn, beans, ro-tel and taco seasoning to crock-pot, stir well and then add hot water to crock-pot, stir again and cook on LOW for 6-8 hours.
Serve with any combination of the following: crushed tortilla chips, shredded cheese, sour cream, salsa, chopped jalapeƱos!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Snippets and Snatches
Someone’s at the door
In again, out again
someone is at the
door again--
if they are in
they want out (they think)
if they are out
they want in ( Quick as a wink)
in again, out again
can’t make up
their minds again
Every time I sit down again
someone is at the
door again --
If they are out
they want in (where they just were)
if they are in
the want out (missing something for sure)
in again, out again
can’t make up
their minds again
In again, out again
someone is at the
door again--
this time the cat
next time the dog
at this rate I’m sure to loose track
gonna have to make a log
who’s in again, out again
at the door again...............
check out this post here too:
farm adventures,
snippets & snatches,
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Snippets & Snatches
I remember my great aunt Madelene telling
A young person never knows more than when they're
Years later I read this quote by Mark Twain
When I was 16 I couldn't get over how little my
father knew
But by the time I was 21 I was amazed at how much
he'd learned!
Reflecting lately on this trying period in a young
one's life
I wrote this poem:
Adolescence would be skipped
Those helpful little children
Turning into restless snips
Days of being discontent
Useful habits gone
Like money poorly spent
Know they must go forward
But hate to leave behind
It reopens our old pains
There is not one of us
Would choose those years again
From all that we know
As we try to help them
To blossom and to grow
To make all things possible
and have so many choices
We hope they'll remember
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Pigeon project...........
Unfortunately, Hollywood and Amarillo didn't hatch either of their eggs. But in true pigeon fashion they are already acting "Broody" again so we hope to have some 'squeaker's' soon, stay tuned....
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
A. Wyse Ol'gote
Last Fall I introduced you to our Caprine Consultant HERE. She's back this year with more 'wisdom'
I recently moved "A. Wyse Ol'gote" to a pen by
herself. I said "if you're going to be so selfish you can live alone."
She's indicated she hadn't planned on my keeping all her children anyway, and with more on the way, and is
fine with this change.
In this "year of the goat", this old goat wants to get her sage observations published so keep watching.
She's included some hints on raising "kids", as well as other useful tips.
In this "year of the goat", this old goat wants to get her sage observations published so keep watching.
She's included some hints on raising "kids", as well as other useful tips.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Snippets and Snatches
The North Wind Doth Blow
Arkansas is in the wrong place today
As the Canadian air makes its' way
Straight to Louisiana
Open to the North
Hardly the place to be
Oh woe is me!
Just won't last
But when you bring in more
It comes with a blast
(perhaps because they have a tail)
Find their spots to share the warmth
And take for granted my
I remember,
snippets & snatches,
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Snippets and Snatches
Today I thought I'd tell a little "herstory" about this
When my sister died last year I thought of all the stories that could be told about what she lived through.
I mentioned to her family to look for snippets and snatches, and sure enough they found scads. (She and I always said we'd write "someday"). Well, unfortunately, I can't write her stories, but maybe I can write a few of mine. Hers would have been more interesting, like going to Nome, Alaska as a teenage bride. But then I've had a few journeys too, and I'm hoping to make 2015 the year to start the Recollections.
Won't you join us for the journey? , and let's smile along the way.
When my sister died last year I thought of all the stories that could be told about what she lived through.
I mentioned to her family to look for snippets and snatches, and sure enough they found scads. (She and I always said we'd write "someday"). Well, unfortunately, I can't write her stories, but maybe I can write a few of mine. Hers would have been more interesting, like going to Nome, Alaska as a teenage bride. But then I've had a few journeys too, and I'm hoping to make 2015 the year to start the Recollections.
Won't you join us for the journey? , and let's smile along the way.
Won't you 'come go with me' on this journey??
I remember,
snippets & snatches
Friday, January 2, 2015
We're starting a new column entitled "Snippets and Snatches" today.
The title comes from a phrase I use to refer to the many pieces of paper or first pages in notebooks that are lying all over my house (years and years worth)! In this column I'm going to Recollect and Recount the many sayings my mother was so fond of saying and sort through my snippets to share my Ruminations with you about this Journey to Jonquil Junction.
I wish I could have followed one of her sayings "don't put off until tomorrow what could be done today", then this, her harvest table, wouldn't be so cluttered! But alas on this Journey life got in the way and borrowed my 'today' time. Now it's tomorrow and I hope to get busy sorting through my stash of notes.
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The items we offer are as varied as the weather in these hills!
Hand-hammered copper jewelry, handmade wood case clocks, biscuit and rag quilts, handsewn infant gifts, handcrafted soap, & homespun tales and photos of our menagerie of four footed and feathered friends.
Hand-hammered copper jewelry, handmade wood case clocks, biscuit and rag quilts, handsewn infant gifts, handcrafted soap, & homespun tales and photos of our menagerie of four footed and feathered friends.
Copper earrings